Learn the Aronson Stack in about 90 days!
You will be provided FOUR CARDS A WEEK in your email inbox.
Each contains a unique visual image that is the key to the success of The Trainer Deck.
You will be performing amazing new card magic even as you solidify mastery of the stack!
Receive the first several FREE as a sample.
“Yesterday, for the first time I recalled [the stack] correctly and I'm delighted!
I got it forwards and backwards. Also managed it by naming every position from new deck order.”
For this trial, you will receive the first few as a way to Try Before You Buy.
Occasionally, your email will include a new card effect you can perform - even before gaining complete mastery of the stack.
This is a sibling of The Trainer Deck.
The Trainer Deck is a tool that has helped hundreds of magicians to master the Aronson MemStack.
Every purchase includes access to an exclusive SUPPORT SITE with additional help dedicated to the stack. FREE USA SHIPPING !!! This deck is in its THIRD printing (now on silk stock and in a windowed tuckbox).